Value proposition and service
Technical definition

Our products are well known in the market for their technical qualities. We’ve segmented our portfolio into three product categories: Classic, Premium, and Specialty products.

- Classic
Classic products are suitable for one or more crops. They are very well formulated, often multi-purpose, easy to use and provide a quality application that meets the technical standards required in a large number of situations. They are ideal for recipes containing a limited number of products. Produced in large quantities, they are also economically attractive.

- Premium
Premium products are very high quality. In general, they are specially formulated for a single crop, taking into account the external features of the seeds (size, shape, appearance, fragility) and specific application conditions.

- Specialty
Specialty products have unique properties, and they are often combined with an application process.
We also develop formulations personalized to the needs of our customers in relation to their own wishes or constraints or for species for which there is little or no standard formulation.
Click on the tabs below to discover the categories.

- Classic
Classic products are suitable for one or more crops. They are very well formulated, often multi-purpose, easy to use and provide a quality application that meets the technical standards required in a large number of situations. They are ideal for recipes containing a limited number of products. Produced in large quantities, they are also economically attractive.

- Premium
Premium products are very high quality. In general, they are specially formulated for a single crop, taking into account the external features of the seeds (size, shape, appearance, fragility) and specific application conditions.

- Specialty
Specialty products have unique properties, and they are often combined with an application process.
We also develop formulations personalized to the needs of our customers in relation to their own wishes or constraints or for species for which there is little or no standard formulation.

Parameters enabling the characterization of our products are evaluated by the unit called Agiscore, to be read as follows:

Satisfactory performance

Superior performance

Excellent performance
Our liquid products
Our products are described by three main application parameters:
- Dust Off control
- Flowability
- Coverage
For more information on these settings, click below:

Our powder products

Three other parameters are used to define our powder products:
- Brightness
- Drying
- Fluency
Impact of seed coating on treated seed coloration
It should be indicated that, depending on the composition of the recipe, the same seed coating used with different seed applied products can significantly impact the coloration on the treated seed as shown in the following pictures:

Untreated seeds


Agicote 118 blue
+ SAF1 + SAI1

Agicote 118 blue
+ SAF2 + SAI1
Therefore, we recommend to contact our team to be advised on the best way to use our products and establish your application recipe.
MSDS support
Master Safety Datasheets (MSDS) for purchased products are available at time of delivery.
Operational customer support
We are recognized in the market for our very strong service policy enabling the proper implementation of our products. The diagram below details our provided service to support the proper use of our products, for full customer satisfaction. More detail cannot be communicated due to the need for confidentiality regarding this unique know-how.

Technical field support
We deliver on demand technical assistance in seed plants and on farms for a safe and high-performance handling of our products.
Stewardship support
We pay attention to the support measures taken for the proper use of our products. In the event of emergencies, we offer our customers an assistance hotline which can be contacted anytime from anywhere in the world.
The number is +33 2 21 76 24 36.
Good Experimental Practices

In addition to our activity as a seed coating manufacturer, we have been certified by French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) since 2011 for Good Experimental Practices (GEP) on field crop seed treatments. Seed treated are intended for experimental trials.